Hey Pop thought you find this info interesting.

Love you!


Suzannah D. Laucher, MA

School Counselor

West Montgomery Middle



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From: Julia Rosen, MoveOn.org Political Action [mailto:moveon-help@list.moveon.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 2:05 PM
To: Suzannah Laucher
Subject: Amendment One: Unintended consequences


Here are five reasons Amendment One would hurt not just gays and lesbians but all unmarried couples and their children. Can you forward this email to a friend, or click to share the graphic on Facebook or Twitter?

Dear North Carolina MoveOn member,


Amendment One is not just scary for gay and lesbian couples like me and my wife, it's so poorly written that would ensnare all unmarried couples and their children, taking away their rights and benefits.


Here are five reasons to vote against Amendment One. Make sure everyone you know makes it to the polls on May 8 to defeat this constitutional amendment that would hurt children and families:


1. The amendment was written so broadly that it would take away domestic violence protection for all unmarried women. In Ohio, where a similar amendment passed, this loophole has allowed convictions to be overturned.1


2. A child could be taken away from a committed parent who has loved them their entire life, if something happens to the other parent.2


3. A single or widowed senior couple could be forced to marry to keep their legal protections, which would cause them to lose benefits such as pensions, health care, and Social Security.3


4. A child of an unmarried parent could lose their health care and prescription drug coverage, putting the child's health at risk.4


5. Amendment One would interfere with protections for unmarried couples to visit each other in the hospital and to make emergency medical and financial decisions if one partner is incapacitated.5


We've posted a graphic from our friends at the No on Amendment One campaign that discusses these and other heartbreaking consequences if this terrible amendment passes. Can you forward this email to a friend, or click to share the graphic on Facebook or Twitter?


The only way we'll defeat this pernicious amendment is if we make sure our friends and family know how important it is to make it to the polls next Tuesday, May 8.


Thanks for all you do.


–Julia, Elena, Wes, Victoria, and the rest of the team




1. "Amendment One: A real danger to domestic violence victims," The Herald-Sun, April 20, 2012


2. "Amendment One stirs emotions," Citizen-Times, April 29, 2012


3. "It's just an act of meanness," The Washington Blade, April 23, 2012


4. "Amendment One stirs emotions," Citizen-Times, April 29, 2012



5. Ibid.

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PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Suzannah Laucher on May 1, 2012. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.